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Since when does lettuce cost the same as a polo shirt?

You know it's tough times when the humble iceberg lettuce costs $12 bucks! Yes, the worst kind of lettuce has been the headline grabbing story for the cost of living crisis gripping Australia. With the rising cost of fuel, gas, electricity, groceries, interest rates, property prices and stagnant wages, it's easy to wonder if there's anything out there that's good value anymore. So, it's nice to know that you can buy a Lowes polo shirt for the price of an iceberg lettuce at only $12.95!


The nation's energy crisis has been blamed on a number of issues like coal-fired generators failing, Europe wanting non-Russian gas and the fact the cold snap has spiked demand for gas and heating. But if you ask household dads, the energy crisis is being caused by the kids leaving all the empty powerpoints switched on in the house. Plus, he thinks candles are a much more cost-effective source of lighting. And forget about using the electric fan heater! At least you can stay warm with unisex knitwear from only $19.95!


Thanks to La Niña and multiple floods impacting Queensland farmers, the iceberg lettuce now costs more than a wagyu steak. This has resulted in gardening centres seeing a massive increase in people taking up gardening, buying various seedlings and starting a veggie patch. Grow your favourite veggies in your favourite shirt, the unisex flannelette shirt, only $24.95!


The war between Russia and Ukraine is causing record high petrol prices around the world, including Australia. Beat the fuel prices by dusting off the old push bike and put the pedal-to-the-metal! And you don't need to start watching the Tour de France, hanging out at espresso bars and wearing lycra. Keep it casual with great value unisex fleece tops and bottoms from only $14.95!


With skyrocketing house and rent prices and interest rates, forget the smashed avo. It's time to lay off the iceberg lettuce if you're serious about owning a home! But for many the reality is unless you own your home or have a loan with the bank of mum and dad, people are joining the great cancellation to save money. One-in-four Aussies have recently cut their spending on subscriptions, including streaming services and gym memberships - well at least you've got an excuse to cancel the gym! Luckily you can save with great value winter sleepwear, so keep the Netflix and enjoy a night in on the couch.

The rising cost of living is hurting Australians but we’re a resilient bunch. One-in-two Aussies have recently switched to better value brands or are actively looking for them. Luckily there’s no better value brand than Lowes. So, check out the great value winter favourites instore and online now…

… At Lowes!

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