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What type of person are you in the great outdoors?

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What type of person are you in the great outdoors?

The great outdoors can create amazing lifelong memories for the family (unless there’s a torrential downpour, it’s freezing cold and the tent malfunctions!) So whether you’re the type of person that embraces the outdoors, or you’re being dragged along, we’ve got you covered … At Lowes!

The Honest Fisherman

We all know this doesn’t exist! You know this guy. He believes a few minor facts shouldn’t get in the way of a good fishing story. Camera phones of course changed all this because fishermen couldn’t lie about the size of a fish … until they figured out holding the fish up to the camera with arms stretched out makes the fish look much bigger than it is in real life. At least they’ll look good in the photo wearing the Anglers Edge Fishing Apparel. There’s a huge range of fishing polos from only $29.95! Plus shorts and trousers featuring SPF protection and moisture wicking fabric, including Big Mens and kids sizes too.

The Caveman Camper

The caveman camper is obsessed with one thing … fire. Getting a campfire going is everyone’s first priority after camp is set up, but for the caveman it is the only priority. Except once the fire is going that is, then it’s eat meat, drink beer and repeat. The caveman’s most essential tools are his pokin’ stick to stoke the fire and a can of diesel to ensure no-one can sit within 10 metres of the fire because of the intense radiant heat. Fortunately he won’t singe his eyebrows because he’s wearing stylish polarised sunglasses only $29.95! There’s a huge range including non-polarised, mirrored, wrap-around and traditional styles.

The Reluctant Hiker

Hiking isn’t for everyone. You’ve got to feel for those dragged along on hiking trips by an overly enthusiastic partner. They’re the kind of people where the only stars they like to sleep under are 5 stars. Climbing uphill makes them want to lay down and die and they get bored by seeing the same scenery for hours on end. They’d prefer to have a glass of bubbly in hand but the lightweight and technical hiking gear doesn’t allow for such luxuries. At least they’ll look the part wearing the great range of Outer Peak hiking shirts.

The Grey Nomad

And finally we come to the legend of the outdoors; we’re all secretly jealous of the Grey Nomad. It’s a rite of passage for people over 65 - they’ve done their time in the workforce and now they’re ready to do ‘the big lap’ around Australia. And they’ll do it in style by spending the kids’ inheritance! Luckily, they won’t have to spend much to look good on the trip, with the great range of Traders unisex country shirts from only $39.95. There’s also a great range of wide brim, straw, bucket, safari and outback style hats from only $15.95.

So whether you’re the outdoor type of person that loves adventure, fishing, hiking, camping or would prefer to replace the “c” with “gl” we’ve got you covered with a great range of fishing and outdoor wear available in store and online… at Lowes!

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