The shortest day of the year is June 21. It’s called winter solstice, or mid-winter. Which pretty much means it’s dark and freezing outside.
Nobody likes the chill of winter… but we all love to chill!
And what better time to do it! You don’t need any excuses to lounge around the house all day because it’s too cold and dark to be outside anyway.
Even better is that you can stay in your sleepwear all day. And if staying warm and cozy in your matching pyjamas sounds like heaven, slip on a pair of ugg boots and a dressing gown and you’re now a lounging guru.
So now’s the perfect time to check out the huge range of sleepwear…
…At Lowes!
It’s easy to feel warm and comfortable in our range of sleepwear including PJ’s, ugg boots, a variety of lounge pants, slippers, fleece dressing gowns, sleep socks and more.
So beat the winter chill with our great range of sleepwear available in store or online… At Lowes!